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Specialized Network Applications

Mail Hub

Control Data Systems Inc.

The core of Mail Hub is a robust, UNIX-based "backbone" or messaginginfrastructure designed to integrate an organization's existing E-mailsystems and directories. Mail Hub incorporates all of the currentstandards in electronic mail and directory services, including X.400,SMTP, MIME, and X.500. Added to the E-mail backbone is a set of gatewaysthat allow for information exchange among IBM and DEC legacy systems,UNIX mailers, PC mailers (cc:Mail, MS Mail, Novell MHS and NetWare GlobalMHS, WordPerfect Office, Lotus Notes), and Macintosh mailers (MS Mail,Quickmail).Mail*Hub provides a non-intrusive solution so that end-users can continueto use their preferred E-mail system and yet communicate with peopleusing different E-mail packages running on heterogeneous systems.Additional features:manager such as SunNet Managermessage attachments in the word processing or other format that is mostuseful to themMacintosh systemsbusiness electronically such as EDI, workflow, and group calendar andscheduling packages.Control Data also offers complete Mail Hub consulting and implementationservices, including a service that provides remote management of yourorganization's entire messaging environment.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.3

Control Data Systems Inc.
4201 N Lexington Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55126
Phone: (612) 482-6736
        (800) 257-OPEN
Fax: (612) 482-2000